
Friday 15 July 2011

perCutian bersaMe yg tersaYang..

uiittt u all...entry kali neh nk cite pasL pcutian sye bersaMe ibu sye, adek sye & juGa Mr BoroI sye last weekend..hehe
tok Pgthuan u all...famLy sye mmg lame da plan nk maI penaNg neh...tp asyIk postpone jek...
tp yg nie pon xsume family sye dpt join...
abg sye keje...then ayah sye lak tpkse stay kat umah sbb ade org nga renovate umah...(bsrkan dpor & wat homestay kat tepi umah sye..)

Dpor tuh parent sye nk bsrkan tok preparation kot2 ade mjlis t..(u all pndai2 ah pk sndri eh mjlis pe..hehehe)
pastu homestay tu lak ibaraT tok cr wet lebeh ah...yela..umah sye tol2 dkat ngan UTHM (kalo xtau, search kat internet eh..hehe)..then...kot2 ah ade konvokesyen ke, leh ah stay kat homestay tUh...dun worry..harge leh kawtim..hahaha...pndai2 jek sye neh...lagie stu homestay tuh fungsinye bile ade kluarge len dtg bknjung kat umah sye ke, mmber2 ke, leh ah stay kat ctu....xkne byr pon..dijamIn selesa...hehe..

ok2...back to da point...xreti bace ke title kat ats tuh melissa???sye bkn nk cte psl umah sye...
tp nk cte pasl prcutian kitrg..hehehe
mmg sush tok sye ngan MB sye g booking hotel @ bilik tok family sye yg nk dtg...sume mahl2...ye ah...sye nk check in awl & check out lmbt..coz fmily sye mai cnie nek bas...nek mlm, smpai awl2 pagi...
tp alhamdulillaH...naseb bek ade aLONg (abg MB sye) yg dok kat kuaters FRU (dkt2 ngan bukit bendera)...de ah yg tlg sewekan umah sewe PERKEP...
serius u all...mmg puas atie...dgn caj 50 hengget jek smlm, u all leh dpt umah yg lg bsr dr bilek2 hotel...mmg slesa sgt2...check in check out kol bpe pon xpe...(kalo kat hotel2/recsam tuh kne caj 50% tok check in awl & 50% ag tok check out lmbT)

xbyk sgt tpt ktrg dpt pegi....coz MB sye sgt2 busy weekend tuh...
de sbOk ngan match futsal & bola sepaK de....
tp de sudie gak luangkan mase bwk fmily sye jln2 kat penang neh wlaupon sye tau de pnat sgt2....thanks MB...hik~~
iBu lak byk tol nsihat2 de bg kat MB..siaP dok gune kate2 kiasan nk suh mai umah msok minanG...uppsssss!!!teeetttttttt....hahahahhaa.....
adek sye kali nie jd gud boy coz xde nk kmplein pasl MB...(dak neh snanye mmg kuat kmplein tau u all)
tp de ok jek kali neh..siap ngakU muke de ade iras2 MB...hahaha...mmg ah..da same2 IrenG (bahase jawe...xpe sye translate eh...mknenye itam!!)hahahahahha...:p

skaNg neh sye ngan tggu bile ah agknye Mb sye brpluang nk jmpe ayh sye coz de ade ckp kalo nk tgk muke tkot de tggu time die jmpe ngan ayh sye....waaa......i'm waitng that moment..hahahhahahaha..

ibu sye sweet sgt...bwk 2 cheesecake tok sye...yg lg stu da abeh da sye mlntak...hehehe..4 ur infrmtion...now, ibu sye mmg tgh giat berbisnes cheesecake neh..terbaekkk dr ldg wa ckp lu...hehehhee

sye & MB sye..hehe

kat queensbaY...2x kot g cnie...ibu ngan adek sye suke g cnie...no wonder ah dorg xbising bile sye ckp neh slh stu fav mall sye...hehehehe

ibu sye ngah testing2 gelang kat nighT markeT...

same ke muke dorg????hahahaa

okkk....bile sye gile, muke sye mmg mcmnie...sile abaikan2 muke burok itu...hahaha

sye syyyyygggg sgt ibu sye....sbb ibu sye curikk tudung sye....tdung yg de pkai tuh sye br jek beli...xsmpat nk pkai, ibu da kbas...hukhukhuk....tp ktrg ank brnk mmg suke pon curik2 pakai brg each other...nseb bek cume ade 2 org jek pmpuan dlm fmily sye...kalo x...??kmpem dok gdoh2..:)

ibu ngan ank2 de...oppsss...hehe


mcm tourist siouttt ibu..hahahhaa


luv u boTh..:)

k u all....thanks bce entry neh....kalO ade pape ayt2 sye kat ats neh yg mnggelikan/mmbuat anda mluaT harap dimaapKan....tp neh blog sye la.....'shuke atie la sye nk ckp pe kan'???sye slaloo tgk ade org tulish cmtuh kat blog2 dorg....hehehehe....
oraiiittt....taaa taaa....(",)


  1. terbaik dr ladang lah ibu mell =P paper pown camat bahgia

  2. Thanks ten....amin...insyaAllah...ade jdoh, ade la...hehe...slmt bhagie gaK toK ten...hikhikhik..(",)
